
city of dreams

Wouldn't it be downright friggin awesome if we could run away to New York City and totally live the shit out of life!!! hahaha...

I've been putting some thought into this and I think this could be one hell of a genius Plan B for my life if:
1. I screwed up at life, or
2. Life screwed me over! hehehe

So, who wants to come with me?

foto ini hasil jepretan digicam Samsung gw yang bentuknya kampungan tapi hasilnya lumajan. (kampungan2 tapi udah gw bawa sampe amrik tuh samsung! maklum jaman ini gw blm dikasih slr! hehehe). Lalu fotonya gw edit pake photoshop ditambahin texture dari lukisan, trus warnanya di ubah dikit. =)


chitora said...

ohh di, me sooooooo coming with u :) heheee..

didi dudidam said...

hahahaha ayoo cit!

eh kok sepi sih komennya, gak ada lg yg mau ikut sama gw.. sedih deh hahahahhah